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Auckland’s export finalists showcase diversity

The finalists in the 2014 Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards Auckland demonstrate that New Zealand is indeed a ‘land of milk and honey’. “Many Kiwis will be overawed at the world-class talent on display, the capabilities of our people, and their thriving, exciting businesses,” says convener of judges Barry Squires. “The entrants covered a broad spectrum of industries and markets and it is fantastic to see the innovation and diversity displayed by Auckland exporters. Their success stories are a real inspiration.”
The award finalists, who’ll attend the gala dinner on June 12th where category winners and overall supreme winner will be announced, are:
Westpac Exporter of the Year (total sales over $25 million): Alpha Laboratories (NZ), Compac Sorting Equipment, Gentrack Group, New Image Group and Southern Spars. 
QBE Insurance Exporter of the Year (total sales under $25 million): Doyle Sails NZ, Howick, Jackson Electrical Industries, Phitek Systems and Wynyard Group. 
Endace ICT Exporter of the Year: Straker Translations, SnapComms  and Flintfox International.
Quantium Solutions E-Commerce Exporter of the Year: Intenza NZ and MENA International.
Baldwins Intellectual Property Commercialisation of Innovation for Export: Abodo Wood, Howick, Milmeq, Phitek Systems and Southern Spars. 
TNT Express Emerging Exporter of the Year: Omaha Blueberries, RAILBLAZA, Seedling New Zealand and Western Addition.
BDO Food & Beverage Exporter of the Year: Epicurean Dairy Co, Griffins Foods, Invivo Wines and Tegel Foods.
Photo: The E-Commerce Exporter of the Year finalists: Intenza NZ and MENA International.
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