Few companies will start with the ideal international operation. Often the beginning is modest and existing staff are called on to test
markets on a part-time basis.
Once a profitable demand looks likely, it is essential that the person responsible has the freedom to follow up and service any enquiries promptly as well as to honour all promises made. Failure to do so could be costly. An initial disaster may put international aspirations back by several years.
Overseas markets will be unforgiving of poorly prepared representatives who are unable to quote and deliver promptly, or who may not have the capacity to supply a substantial market. It might make sense to start in an overseas market of modest size that you have the ability to service well and use this as the base for further growth. In this way you can lower your initial costs and risk in the event of that market not being an instant success.
You will also be unlikely to make sales on your first visit. Many contacts will want to get to know you before doing business. You should be prepared to undertake regular visits to your target market and to establish and maintain personal relationships to ensure continuing sales.
There is a wealth of information in New Zealand. You can use your intended market as a base for discussion, research and developing your marketing plan. Any research you do at the outset will ultimately save you money and help you in your thinking and planning.
Few first-time exporters have sufficient resources and experience at the outset. If entrepreneurs were to follow all the rules, hire expert staff and plan everything to the finest detail before considering exporting, many of them would not get to first base.
Large organisations have greater access to the resources, management and marketing skills needed to identify potential markets and conduct or commission research, thereby minimising their risks and maximising their chances of success.
The answer for most is somewhere between the two extremes. Try to avoid learning only through your own mistakes. For example, don’t approach an overseas market convinced that your successful local product will meet the needs of a foreign community that may well have different values, customs, religions and tastes.
Time spent researching your target market and tailoring your product to suit may make the difference between succeeding or failing.
So what should new exporters do first? Join a business or trade organisation and take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with other members who may be experienced international traders, either in your industry sector or in markets you intend to target.
Those organisations are listed on the following pages – choose wisely.
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Te Taurapa Tūhono|New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is the government agency charged with helping New Zealand businesses to grow internationally.
• We use our extensive knowledge and global networks to help exporters of all sizes make better decisions and connect to the right partners and investors.
• We connect international businesses and investors with high-value growth opportunities in New Zealand.
• We work with all kinds of innovative businesses, including food producers, Māori land trusts and iwi, tech startups, service providers, manufacturers and more.
Join NZTE. Visit https://www.nzte.govt.nz/page/take-on-the-world to access our resources and tools or call 0800 555 888 to learn more.
ExportNZ is a division of BusinessNZ and is the main membership organisation for New Zealand exporters. Our organisation is the voice of New Zealand exporters and provides effective advocacy for our industry on a broad range of issues and topics.
Through our regional offices around the country, ExportNZ provides practical guidance and support programmes. Introductory courses are available for businesses wanting to start exporting and specialised courses are available for those wanting to expand their knowledge.
We provide networking opportunities for exporters, regardless of experience. We have regular catchups, forums, and events held both online and face-to-face around New Zealand.
Our network also includes the relevant ministries and government bodies, as well as foreign representatives here in New Zealand.
ExportNZ is here to help inspire New Zealand firms to engage overseas, expand business horizons, and to bring down barriers to trade.
Our services are provided via the Employers and Manufacturers Association, Business Central, Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Business South.
To find out more and get the contact details for either our head office or your regional ExportNZ office head to www.exportnz.org.nz
Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand Inc
Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand Inc
The Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand Inc (CBAFF) is the membership body for individuals and businesses working and participating in customs broking and freight forwarding. Importers and exporters can join as client partners.
CBAFF provides the following services to members:
- A daily newsletter to update members on industry topics.
- Regular forums throughout the year along with an annual conference which deliver presentations addressing important industry issues.
- Training on customs broking and freight forwarding specific topics including dangerous goods IMDG requirements, advanced tariff classification, RACA and IATA requirements including aircraft loading and restraint.
- Maintenance of strong links with Government and other bodies that influence how the industry operates.
- Support for industry-wide concerns.
- For further information visit www.cbaff.org.nz or phone 09 419 0019
Business Mentors New Zealand
Business Mentors New Zealand is an independent not-for-profit organisation committed to helping business owners succeed.
Led by Business Support Advocate Sarah Trotman, ONZM, the service introduces one of 2000 Business Mentors across the country to small business owners with 19 FTE’s or less.
In its three-decade-long delivery, Business Mentors New Zealand has worked with more than 80,000 business owners. For a small registration fee of $295 + GST, business
owners have up to 12 months of access to a Business Mentor to support them in developing their business and themselves as business owners. A Business Mentor is carefully selected by one of our regional Mentor Coordinators to help them grow or solve specific business challenges.
Business Mentors share their knowledge and experience to assist business owners in advancing their business capability, capacity, and sustainability. They have strong links
to their communities and have a passion for helping other business people succeed.The Mentor’s role is to provide a sounding board offering guidance, support and an
independent perspective, guiding their assigned business owner to realise their potential.
For more information, or to register: • Phone: 0800 209 209 • Email bmnz@bmnz.org.nz www.businessmentors.org.nz
The Export Academy of New Zealand (GoGroup NZ)
The Export Academy offers an export focused range of specific modules, workshops and online courses targeted at “Learn as you Go” exporters.
The Export Academy and GoGroup NZ have partnered to provide a comprehensive series of these modules to suit New Zealand exporters.
Being registered with MBIE’s Regional Business Partner Scheme means eligible export companies can receive up to a 50 percent subsidy, maximum of $5000 per year.
Export Mentoring – This programme offers exporters a complete package from full supply chain reviews, freight analysis, process analysis, etc, and provides guidance in areas
of ‘work in progress’. Suitable for small and medium size businesses or guidance for management teams in larger businesses.
Simplifying Export Series (SES) – These tried-and-true modules have been successfully taught throughout the country for over ten years and will be available again (updated) this
year. These modules incorporate ‘must-learn’ hints and practical working examples in Export Freight, INCOTERMS 2020, Export Documentation, Compliance, Risk Management and the all-important Getting Paid for Exports.
Practical but immediately beneficial, these modules are worthwhile to both current exporters and new entrants.
Strategic Exporter Series – Following on from the SES, this series is a natural up-skill in learning gained by those who attended earlier modules or for those already with export experience. Included, as the series title suggests, are: In-depth Incoterms 2020, Strategic Freight for Exporters, The Export Sale including Export Contracts, Export Marketing,
Export Pricing, and more.
Specific Workshops – The Academy presents workshops on specific areas where exporters may need more intensive training. Popular courses have been:
• Customs PIN course – You can train for your Customs UUI for just exports or for both export and import. (Complies with NZ Customs requirements).
• Letters of Credit – How to negotiate these; technical training in how to ensure you get the best L/C from your buyer; a discussion “why use them?”; and several alternatives
to L/C payment.
• FTA Workshop – A look at New Zealand’s Free Trade Agreements – how they operate and documentation required, as well as how goods and services are valued.
ONLINE – Not able to get away from the workplace for any period of time? Many Academy courses have been taught online due to current COVID restrictions allowing you and
your staff to learn literally on the job from the office or at home.
Endorsements on the Regional Business Partner website testify to the universal appeal of these courses.
Contact the Academy direct at 06 875 8000 or online at www.exportacademy.ac.nz
New Zealand Export Credit Office (NZEC)
New Zealand Export Credit (NZEC) is a unit within the Capital Markets directorate of the Treasury. It provides practical solutions to assist exporters to manage their payment risk,
secure international sales and access additional funding from their bank when the private sector can’t assist. It does this by offering tailored financial guarantees and insurance policies
that complement the services offered by New Zealand banks and trade credit insurers.
NZEC charges commercial fees and premiums for its services and will look to recover any claims that it pays.
NZEC can also provide its range of solutions in support of a domestic firm that has been awarded a contract to supply goods or services that are integral to the delivery of
New Zealand exports. This may include the support of New Zealand manufactured capital equipment supplied to an exporter.
• Trade Credit Insurance; or
• Export Credit Guarantee NZEC covers both the Political and Commercial risks of an overseas buyer not meeting their payment obligations. These insurances can help an exporter access additional funding via their bank and can help exporters offer payment terms to secure sales.
• General Contract Bond Guarantees; or
• Loan Guarantee
NZEC can provide a guarantee to an exporter’s bank to enable the bank to provide additional funding or bonding related to an export transaction.
For more information contact one of our business originators on: +64 4 917 6060 or email exportcredit@treasury.govt.nz or visit exportcredit.treasury.govt.nz To keep
up to date with NZEC’s news, please follow us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/ company/new-zealand-export-credit
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade helps New Zealand exporters by:
• Publishing regular Market Intelligence Reports on developments in offshore markets at www.mfat.govt.nz/market-reports
• Providing online tools like the Tariff Finder at www.tariff-finder.govt.nz and the Services Exporter Tool at services-exporter-tool.govt.nz/
• Seeking to secure global trade rules, via the WTO, which are more open, transparent and certain.
• Negotiating Free Trade Agreements to provide better and more certain access to markets of critical interest to New Zealand exporters.
• Monitoring offshore market developments which might harm or complicate our potential to sell into markets and develop strategies to address these threats.
• Working with New Zealand companies which experience foreign government rules and regulations which hold up or delay getting their goods into market (problems
with quarantine issues, technical barriers to trade, etc).
• Looking to facilitate New Zealand’s economic growth and productivity by facilitating the two-way flow of ideas, people, capital, technology and research capability.
• Working with other agencies onshore in seeking to ensure the government’s growth agenda is well informed of global developments and suitably structured in
a way to help New Zealand companies connect globally.
• Finally, of course, it is an important responsibility for the Ministry to contribute towards peace and stability – which permits economic growth to prosper and the
protection of New Zealanders travelling and living overseas.
To get assistance with any export issues you are facing you can contact the MFAT Export Helpdesk via 0800 824 605, exports@mfat.net or by visiting
www.tradebarriers.govt.nz. This service operates on a ‘no wrong door’ basis – enquiries better suited to other government agencies will be redirected.
To sign up for free Market Intelligence reports go to www.mfat.govt.nz/market-reports
Callaghan Innovation
Callaghan Innovation is New Zealand’s innovation agency.
We partner with ambitious businesses of all sizes, providing a range of innovation and research and development (R&D) services and support to suit each stage of growth.
We empower innovators by:
• Connecting people, opportunities and networks.
• Providing tailored technical solutions.
• Hosting skills and capability development programmes.
• Grants co-funding.
• Increasing return on investment in R&D.
We also enhance the operation of New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem, working closely with government partners, Crown Research Institutes, and other organisations
that help increase business investment in R&D and innovation.
Callaghan Innovation has teams and facilities in Auckland, Wellington, Lower Hutt and Christchurch and a Regional Business Partner (RBP) network in a further 12
locations. Our RBPs can help businesses access information, funding, training and development services. For many businesses new to R&D, RBPs will be the first point of
call. They can identify which services are most suited to your business and help you access them.
Phone: 0800 422 52 Email: info@callaghaninnovation.govt.nz www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz
The New Zealand Customs Service
The New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) website www.customs.govt.nz has sections specifically for importers and exporters. You can find information explaining Customs’
requirements for exporting goods and useful information on a range of topics including prohibited exports, permits, drawbacks, the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Secure
Exports Scheme, and frequently asked questions.
Visit export2FTA@customs.govt if you have export related questions.
There is also information to help you with Customs requirements if you are importing goods for:
• Commercial application, such as goods for use in your business, and for resale or for distribution.
• Private use – for example, gifts, mail order goods or online shopping.
Within New Zealand you can also contact the National Contact Centre on 0800 4 Customs (0800 428 786) or by email at feedback@customs.govt.nz
New Zealand Maritime School
Manukau Institute of Technology’s New Zealand Maritime School offers courses and programmes in domestic maritime, nautical foreign-going, logistics, shipping and freight.
Our flexible learning options make it easier for you to get qualified, so if you are looking at taking your first step into the industry or if you want to update an existing qualification
there are options for everyone.
Whether by land or by sea, you’ll learn from experts in a hands-on, practical environment.
Qualified maritime and logistics professionals are in demand here and worldwide; join us now to get your career moving.
New Zealand Maritime School, Level 3, 2 Commerce Street, Auckland
Phone: 0800 62 62 52 Email: SchoolofMaritime@manukau.ac.nz Website: www.nzmaritime.com
Importers Institute
The Importers Institute is an informal association of New Zealand importing companies. It aims to keep members informed on topical issues of interest and to represent
importers’ interests before policy makers and the public.
Contact: Daniel Silva
20 Verissimo Drive, Mangere
PO Box 201080, Auckland 2150
Phone: 64-9-255 0266
The New Zealand Chambers of Commerce
New Zealand Chambers of Commerce link to the global network Chambers of Commerce representing 45 million businesses in over 100 countries through the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC).
To support international traders, Chambers work closely with key stakeholders in New Zealand’s international trade relationships including Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New
Zealand Trade and Enterprise, New Zealand Customs Service, Embassies, Consulates andbilateral trade associations.
Chambers offer trade advice, internationally recognised Certificates of Origin, FTA origin guidance and support for border issues.
Through their international networks they are able to gather global market information and undertake preliminary research for members.
Most Chambers present networking and educational events for importers and exporters and have access to international trade guides and trade contract templates.
ICC international trade guides including Incoterms, Letter of Credit, Contract Templates are available from internationaltrade@chamber.co.nz www.newzealandchambers.co.nz
Auckland Business Chamber
Since 1856, the Auckland Business Chamber has represented the interests of importers and exporters, addressing issues that impact the free flow of trade, in recognition that
the Auckland economy is dependent on international trade.
165 years on, we continue to build strong relationships with foreign trade representatives, trade organisations and Chambers internationally; provide practical
advice and facilitate introductions to support Auckland businesses grow. Our team are experienced in Origin determination, issue Certificates of Origin and certify export
Phone: +64 9 309 6100 Email: internationaltrade@chamber.co.nz www.aucklandchamber.co.nz
Tauranga Chamber of Commerce
The Tauranga Chamber of Commerce is a doorway to Government assistance programmes for exporters in the Bay of Plenty and provides a range of business
services including international documentation certification.
We certify Certificates of Origin, Free Trade Agreement Certificates of Origin, Certificates of Free Sale and Certificates of Manufacture.
For a fast, reliable and competitively priced service all year round, contact us at:
Phone: 0800 249 432 or 07 577 9823 Email: chamber@tauranga.org.nz www.tauranga.org.nz
Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce
The Canterbury Employers’ Chamber ofCommerce is a not-for-profit membership based service organisation that has been the home and voice of business in the Canterbury
region since 1859. Comprised of over 2,900 members, the Chamber actively provides expert advice and business solutions to help businesses become more productive, profitable
and competitive. As a division of the Chamber, ExportNZ Canterbury provides members with export connections and networking, training, expertise and export information. We also
certify Certificates of Origin, and China and ASEAN Free Trade Agreement Certificates of Origin, as well as other trade documentation, including manual and electronic certification.
Phone: 0800 50 50 96 Email: info@cecc.org.nz www.cecc.org.nz
Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Wellington Chamber of Commerce has been supporting business for over 160 years, providing a raft of services to help your business prosper. We represent the voice
of local businesses, conduct training and support, and have an international trade team specialised in delivering Certificates of Origin, ATA Carnets, and other documentation. A
division of the Chamber – ExportNZ Wellington – gives you access to expertise, information, and key connections through events and workshops. Join our family to enjoy these
benefits and grow your business.
Level 7, JacksonStone House, 3-11 Hunter St, Wellington.
Phone: 04 473 7224 Email: info@wecc.org.nz www.wecc.org.nz
International Trade Documentation
New Zealand Chambers of Commerce certify international trade documentation either electronically or wet-stamped, depending on the market. Most of New Zealand’s trading
partners accept electronically certified documents. The electronic certifying service enables documents to be submitted, reviewed, certified and returned quickly, all from the
convenience of the exporter’s desk. Documents may be wet stamped for exports to Algeria, Bahrain*, Cuba, Egypt*, Ethiopia*, Guatemala*, Iraq*, Jordan*, Kuwait*, Lebanon, Oman, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia*, Yemen and UAE* (*also accept electronically certified).
Chambers of Commerce assist exporters with issuing and/or authentication of the following documentation:
• Certificates of Origin
• FTA Certificates of Origin: including AANZ, NZ China FTA & RCEP
• FTA Product Specific Rule advice• Certificates of Free Sale
• Certificates of Manufacture
• Export related documents: e.g. commercial invoices, packing lists
• Letters of Introduction & Letters of Invitation
Links to Chambers of Commerce accredited to certify export documents: www.newzealandchambers.co.nz/export-documentation/
ATA Carnets “Passport for Goods”
The ATA Carnet is an internationally recognised document facilitating the temporary export of goods for up to 12 months. A carnet allows the holder to take commercial
samples, professional equipment or goods for exhibitions/trade fairs, as well as for sporting events, in and out of a country without the need to pay taxes, bonds or duties in each
country visited. A carnet is, in effect, a passport for your goods.
For more information on the carnet system contact:
ATA Carnet Department
Wellington Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 1087, Wellington
Phone: 64-4-473 7224 Free Phone: 0508 227 638 Email: carnet@wecc.org.nz www.wecc.org.nz
Business Councils
Business Councils exist to create goodwill and linkages between the business communities of different countries, thereby promoting and facilitating international trade and investment.
They operate around the globe and business leaders have been quick to see their advantages.
The Councils provide a forum for business diplomacy and dialogue and are often an avenue through which business people in different countries are able to communicate.
This is particularly useful in new and complex markets where there can be wide differences in customs, culture, philosophy and ideology, business practices and procedures as well as
language barriers, between the trading parties.
Most Councils have considerable status and are valued contributors to Governments’ international strategies. Governments use them as vehicles to promote debate on international
issues affecting business, such as tariffs and trade reform.
For New Zealand businesses the Councils provide a valuable opportunity for the interchange of views, exposure to new ideas and technological developments (i.e. intelligence
gathering) and access to Government officials and other senior decision-makers.
The Councils established within New Zealand cover a range of major markets and trading partners across a wide network of business interests. Substantial international trade
success is attributed to them.
British New Zealand Business Association
The British New Zealand Business Association (BNZBA) has been promoting the business relationship between the United Kingdom and New Zealand for over 100 years. It is a member of the Global Business Network of the British Chambers of Commerce, an organisation with a presence in over 70 countries. The BNZBA membership includes a broad cross section of New Zealand organisations doing business with the UK, and UK businesses with a presence in New Zealand. Membership is open to both businesses and individuals.
To promote the business relationship between the UK and New Zealand the BNZBA holds regular events and networking opportunities as well as provides introductions to assist UK businesses entering the New Zealand market and New Zealand businesses entering the UK market. It also offers members the opportunity to promote their products and
services through the BNZBA’s media channels.
The BNZBA maintains close relations with British government representatives in New Zealand, as well as with relevant New Zealand government departments and other business
related organisations. It also has a Young Professionals Initiative aimed at supporting young New Zealanders heading to the UK for their OE.
Email: info@bnzba.co.nz www.bnzba.co.nz
Fiji Trade Commission to New Zealand
The Fiji Trade Commission to New Zealand promotes trade and investment opportunities between Fiji and New Zealand.
The FTC connects Fijian companies looking to export goods and New Zealand businesses sourcing products and ingredients from Fiji. The Auckland based team works with a
variety of businesses, assisting SMEs, startups and established businesses both in Fiji and New Zealand.
The FTC encompasses a wide range of investment projects consulting both Fijian companies that are sourcing foreign capital and New Zealand businesses that would like
to invest in, or undertake business in, Fiji.
The FTC is actively involved with several large events throughout the year to raise awareness of business opportunities in Fiji.
As the “Hub of the Pacific,” Fiji has a diverse economy with opportunities across a broad range of sectors from Business Process Outsourcing to Agriculture to Renewable
French New Zealand Chamber of Commerce
The FNZCCI (formerly French New Zealand Business Council) was created in 1985 from the desire to foster stronger and sound business relationships between France and/or French
Pacific Islands and New Zealand. Today, the FNZCCI is managed by an Auckland-based Board of Executives – business people who are elected annually by Members.
The objectives of the FNZCCI are:
• To promote and extend mutually prosperous and amicable economic, social and commercial relationships between individuals, firms, companies, corporations,
institutions and associations of France/French Pacific Islands and those of New Zealand. The mission of the FNZCCI is to help its Members with queries they may
have regarding their bilateral business, and also to answer questions and help overseas businesses who want a local partner in New Zealand.
• To assist French/French Pacific Islands companies in setting up subsidiaries in New Zealand, including initial research, general business assistance, and vice versa
regarding New Zealand companies wishing to enter the French market. Small in its beginnings, the FNZCCI continues to expand recruiting new members every year. Members are typically French companies, subsidiaries of French companies, New Zealand companies with French/French Pacific Islands links, New Zealand companies who simply like France/French Pacific Islands, and even French and New Zealand individuals.
Develop your network with the FNZCCI The FNZCCI promotes networking between its members and guests with one simple objective:
bring together business people who like France /French Pacific Islands and its lifestyle, as well as French/French Pacific Islands products and industries. We organize many events each year, such as Bastille Day and Beaujolais Nouveau, business breakfasts and networking functions, which most of the time are centred on good food and wine!
Email: info@fnzcci.org.nz fnzcci.org.nz
New Zealand/Papua New Guinea Business Council
The New Zealand Papua New Guinea Business Council was established in 1993 with the underlying objective to heighten awareness of the business environment and market
opportunities in Papua New Guinea.
The Council exists to promote and facilitate economic and trade relations between New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. We provide an environment where knowledge is shared
and business connections are made.
Email: info@nzpngbc.org.nz nzpngbc.org.nz
New Zealand US Council
Established in 2001, we are a non-partisan, non-government organisation focused on advancing New Zealand’s interests in a strong bilateral relationship.
We are funded by business, academia, civil society, and government to provide platforms to advance opportunities for New Zealanders, communicate the importance
of the relationship, and build supportive constituencies for New Zealand in the US.
At the foundation of the relationship between our countries is an enduring set of common interests and shared values. As an organisation we have played a critical role in re-establishing connections, strengthening the relationship across multiple fronts, and advocating tighter economic and trade integration.
We remain strong advocates for open and competitive markets, including ongoing advocacy for a free trade agreement, and protection of the rules-based global trading system.
Building off this legacy the Council has adopted a broader policy programme that recognises the diverse range of interests we share with the US. In addition to trade, today
we have work programmes focused on the future of data, food, education, security and defence, and the Pacific.
Email: jsmall@nzuscouncil.org www.nzuscouncil.org
ASEAN New Zealand Business Council (ANZBC)
The ANZBC is a member based pluri-lateral Business Council that exists to connect New Zealand businesses with ASEAN trading partners. It provides New Zealand traders
doing business with ASEAN nations with an organisation where they can network, seek contacts, learn about the markets and be assisted in many other ways in their ASEAN
business efforts. The ANZBC is also the lead contact for the ASEAN Business Alliance, a network connecting all NZ Chambers and Business Organisations located in the ASEAN
region, providing further ‘on the ground’ connectivity for members.
The Council frequently consults with Government bodies on trade issues and acts as in integral link between Government and the private sector.
New Zealand China Trade Association
The New Zealand China Trade Association (NZCTA) was established in 1981 by a group of business leaders enthusiastic about the potential of trade between New Zealand and
the People’s Republic of China.
NZCTA’s mission is to promote and strengthen trade and investment relations between New Zealand and the People’s Republic of China.
Today there are numerous company and individual members representing a diversity of New Zealand business interests including seasoned traders, merchandise firms,
exporters, importers, manufacturers, shipping and freight companies, banks, legal firms and other service companies both in NZ and China.
India New Zealand Business Council
The India New Zealand Business Council [INZBC] is the oldest trade organisation in the New Zealand-India space, which has been working since 1988 to build trade
relations between India and New Zealand.
INZBC is run by industry leaders of New Zealand who have years of experience in this sphere, thereby becoming the key stakeholders for international trade development
between India and New Zealand. With more than 200 members spanning across various industries, like agriculture, horticulture, dairy, infrastructure, finance, education, tax
planning, etc, members form the mainstay of corporate leaders of New Zealand. INZBC holds monthly events and an annual Summit, to bring together business people from all sectors and promote business in New Zealand and India.
Email: secretariat@inzbc.org For further information visit: www.inzbc.org/ www.inzbusinesssummit.com/
Korea New Zealand Business Council
The Korea New Zealand Business Council is the leading business organization focused solely on the development of trade and commerce between the two countries. It is a voluntary
membership-based organisation, funded solely by annual subscriptions paid by its members and by small charges and sponsorship for specific events. It holds networking meetings,
provides relevant information to members, and lobbies the Governments of both countries about issues impacting on trade potential.
It holds a joint meeting with its counterpart Council in Korea each year, alternating between the two countries.
Latin America New Zealand Business Council
The Latin America New Zealand Business Council is the leading business organisation focused solely on the development of trade and commerce between New Zealand and Latin
America. It holds regular networking events, provides introductions to trade and government connections, delivers relevant information to its members, and lobbies the government
on issues that impact trade. LANZBC is a membership-based organisation, funded by annual member subscriptions, event income, project grants and sponsorship. The LANZBC
also has an associate membership group, the Young Professionals Network, dedicated to young professionals looking to deepen their business and cultural ties to Latin America.
Email: info@lanzbc.co.nz
German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce
The German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (GNZCC) is the officially recognised New Zealand representative of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry – an
organisation with more than four million German members. Formed in 1983, the GNZCC is a non-profit organisation representing the trading relationship between New Zealand and Germany.
The GNZCC is committed to ensuring companies from both countries obtain every assistance to develop and maintain trading relationships. The chamber has over 270
members, who represent a cross-section of businesses with a New Zealand/German trading relationship. These include:
• New Zealand importers.
• New Zealand exporters developing ties with Germany.
• German subsidiaries in New Zealand.
• Companies providing essential services to the above.
• German companies looking to set up business in or with New Zealand.
• German Regional Chambers of Commerce.
• German trade organisations.
• German trade fair organisations.
The GNZCC’s experienced bi-lingual staff regularly help New Zealand exporters in key areas like:
• Planning and executing their trade fair participation.
• Assistance with document translation and validation.
• Target market research. • Business partner search in Germany.
PO Box 95, Auckland 1140
Phone: 64-9-304 0120
Email: admin@germantrade.co.nz www.germantrade.co.nz
New Zealand Pacific Business Council
The NZ Pacific Business Council’s objective is to promote and facilitate two way trade between NZ and the 26 Pacific Island nations of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Formed
in March 2005, the NZPBC has developed associations with businesses in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, as well as engaging with Government and NGO’s to improve trade and
economic outcomes in the region.
Vision Statement – To facilitate growth of two-way trade and investment between New Zealand and the Pacific Island countries and territories.
Email: info@nzpbc.co.nz https://nzpbc.co.nz
New Zealand Tonga Business Council
The New Zealand Tonga Business Council (NZTBC) was established in 2010 with the purpose to grow and develop the international relationship between New Zealand and Tonga.
Its role in the business community is to encourage and support bi-lateral trade, grow investment opportunities, enhance economic development between New Zealand and Tonga
and to also work collaboratively with each respective government, its key stakeholders.
The NZTBC does this by positively influencing the environment in which businesses operate and by providing information and advice that assists the success of businesses in both
countries who have an interest towards Tonga and New Zealand.
The Vision Statement of the Council is to promote positive bilateral trade relations between New Zealand and Tonga.
The NZTBC’s current Executive Committee is made up of business owners, community leaders and regional agency stakeholders.
The organisation is a credible source of knowledge and information for its members and non-member businesses and organisations. The NZTBC maintains a close
relationship with a number of industry bodies including local and central government both in New Zealand and in Tonga.
The NZTBC is a not for profit, membership organisation and the only industry body in New Zealand dedicated to supporting bilateral relations across respective public
and private sectors. The NZTBC is the first point of contact for many businesses looking to explore opportunities in Tonga and it also services a growing database of business
professionals who are actively doing business with Tonga.
The NZTBC works closely with the Auckland Business Chamber, Auckland’s premier business organisation, operating its central business hub from the Chamber
offices in Auckland City. This relationship provides NZTBC first class administrative and accounting support, event management and marketing exposure.
The council arranges workshops/seminars, business missions, members’ evenings and other such activities that promote and encourage bilateral trade and investment,
entrepreneurship and enterprise and economic development. These functions enable an environment where knowledge is shared, and business connections are made.
Email: info@nztbc.org.nz www.nztbc.org.nz
New Zealand Trade & Investment Commission
(now trading as Trade Invest Samoa )
The New Zealand Samoa Trade & Investment Commission was launched in Auckland in June 2011 by the Government of Samoa with the key objective of facilitating, strengthening and
increasing the flow of trade and investment between New Zealand and Samoa.
Vision - Social and economic prosperity for Samoa and New Zealand.
Mission - To provide leadership, in facilitating and promoting trade and investment between New Zealand and Samoa through the development of partnerships, ideas and
Our Purpose - The vision of the National Export Strategy of Samoa is for the export sector to be a major contributor to sustainable economic growth. Samoa
has targeted five main sectors for improving export performance – fisheries, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and services. Ultimately the Commission’s main
objective is to facilitate the improvement of trade balance between New Zealand and Samoa leading to sustained economic growth and prosperity for both countries.
Email: info@tradeinvestsamoa.co.nz www.nzstic.co.nz
New Zealand Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) is a non-governmental body, serving as a regional forum for cooperation and policy coordination in the Asia Pacific to promote
regional economic growth and development.
The New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (NZPECC) is a founding and active member of the PECC community. NZPECC works to gain strong
business and institutional links into the Asia Pacific market and to tie public policy theory and research into practical business outcomes for New Zealand.
PECC was formed in 1980 and now has 26 Member Committees. Each Member Committee brings together leading thinkers, and decision makers from government,
academia and business in an informal setting to discuss and formulate ideas on the most significant challenges facing the Asia Pacific.
PECC is policy oriented, pragmatic and anticipatory. Its work program aims for better cooperation and policy coordination in areas including trade, investment, and finance.
PECC is the only non-government official observer of APEC and has provided information and analytical support to APEC ministerial meetings and working groups.
Also it channels and facilitates private sector participation in the formal process.
PECC has been particularly successful in developing the APEC Competition Principles and in providing leading support and research capability to the ABAC (APEC Business
Advisory Committee) process.
Email: nzpecc@chamber.co.nz nzpecc.org.nz