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Campaign pitches Kiwi F&B to global consumers

Sales & Marketing

A global campaign is underway to grow awareness, preference and demand for New Zealand food and beverage products in the key markets of Australia, China, Japan, the US and the UK.

The campaign, titled ‘Made with Care’, is being led by NZTE and is part of a wider ‘Messages from New Zealand’ country brand campaign, which  sees Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), NZTE, Ministry for Primary Industries, Education New Zealand and New Zealand Story join forces to promote New Zealand’s brand on the world stage.

New Zealand’s food and beverage industry is a key player in our economy, accounting for close to 46 percent of all goods and services exports in the past year. In 2018/2019, the industry had a combined revenue of $71.7 billion, with exports reaching more than 140 countries. The top three exports markets in 2018 were China ($6.14 billion), Australia ($2.56 billion) and the United States ($2.53 billion).*

"We know from research conducted by New Zealand Story earlier this year that, while the priority order of consumers needs has changed in the current climate, the needs themselves remain fundamentally the same."

NZTE’s Chief Executive, Pete Chrisp, says the campaign has been backed by significant investment and driven by consumer insights. “There’s never been a better time to leverage the positive global sentiment being felt towards New Zealand and to raise the international profile of the New Zealand brand in key markets, in a time when we can’t visit our key markets, and they can’t visit us.

“We know from research conducted by New Zealand Story earlier this year that, while the priority order of consumers needs has changed in the current climate, the needs themselves remain fundamentally the same.

“Consumers are looking for safe, nutritious, premium quality, ethical and tasty food and beverages. New Zealand, as a net exporter of food for more than 40 million people, is perfectly placed to meet these needs. The way the industry applies ingenuity and science is an additional driver of preference for our products in our key export markets.”

Underpinning the Made with Care sentiment, and what distinguishes New Zealand food and beverage products from others, is the principle of Taiao – the interconnectedness of our people and the natural world. The values of Kaitiakitanga (guardians, caring for people, place and planet, now and for future generations), Manaakitanga (caring for others and showing hospitality, kindness, generosity, support and respect) and Ingenuity (challenging the status quo with original and bold solutions) are also woven throughout the campaign messaging.

Businesses who are already exporting, or have ambitions to export, can explore the ready-to-use campaign toolkit. It features free images, social media content, video footage, infographics, sector copy and a user guide to help businesses engage with and leverage the campaign. The campaign’s hero video, featuring individuals from New Zealand’s food and beverage industry, highlights the care shown by our people and shows what is unique about the way we create and provide food and beverage products for our global consumers.

The campaign will be activated internationally through digital and social channels, influencer marketing, PR, and localised in-market activations, leveraging NZTE’s global network. Over the next 6 to 8 months there will also be a number of specific marketing, promotion and retail initiatives in key priority markets that businesses can participate in to directly drive sales.

As part of the campaign outreach, NZTE will target audiences already engaged with TNZ’s Messages from New Zealand campaign, which has already been viewed globally more than 40 million times in key markets like the US, UK, Japan, China and Australia. This gives exporters the benefit of reaching a previously primed audience.

TNZ Chief Executive Stephen England-Hall says Made with Care builds upon the value-based approach that Messages from New Zealand laid the foundation for.

“Working together to deliver an aligned brand builds a greater presence on the world stage.  Being able to connect global audiences to New Zealand’s values and identity, which can be experienced through our food and beverage exports, will have immediate economic benefit and positively influence New Zealand as a destination when we are able to welcome visitors back again.”

* Source: The Investor’s Guide to the New Zealand Food and Beverage Industry 2020, MBIE.

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