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Consolidating data to reduce overall supply chain costs

Freight & Logistics

COVID-19, international strikes and labour shortages have placed added pressure on planning for the supply chain and logistics. The ability to plan labour, transport and yard capacity is important not only from a safety perspective, but also to be ready for the rapid changes that influence where and to whom cargo is transported.

PortConnect was created to help this planning for Ports of Auckland (POAL) and Port of Tauranga (PoT), providing viewing of and direct interaction with containers at the sea and inland ports, and our newest partner port Timaru Container Terminal. Our primary offering is the integrated Port Community System that enables the supply chain to interact with the ports via . Our strategic partnerships help reduce overall supply chain costs with the consolidation of data and expertise.

Our Export Pre-Advice provides exporters with the ability to validate the container information against the Shipping Line booking prior to gate-in to the seaport or inland port. This ensures when the container is ready to gate-in there are no issues with mismatched information and containers are not gated in or loaded on the vessel/train erroneously.

With an increase in demand from exporters for visibility on the journey of their goods, our Track & Trace functionality provides key container details from the sea port side, and in transit for inland ports. This information can be sent directly to exporter’s systems or forwarded on to their customers. PortConnect also handles all NZ Customs and MPI clearance messaging for our partner ports for both containerised and bulk cargo.

PortConnect offers real-time data for container events and movements through our 18 different Notifications, removing the need to search for container information manually. Exporters cannot wait for cargo location or vessel schedule information, Notifications enable a proactive approach to planning logistics and responding to operational changes.

Notifications can be provided on our website or sent via email, but we’re taking it a step further for the supply chain. Following the lead of the world’s port community systems, we have introduced API capability. Our restful API allows application integration with vessel schedule, container visits and events enabling New Zealand’s freight movers to gain access to the information directly to their systems. Dispatch and planning staff complete less data entry and their system displays the latest information.

Introducing this technology can reduce manual admin work, enabling businesses to focus on the important tasks of their business, and not searching their container multiple times waiting for clearances. There is a misconception that the introduction of new technologies will mean job losses and robotic, non-personal business, however more organisations are converting to data integration as a norm for their operations which enables their people to provide better customer experience through the ever changing logistics environment.


For more information of our services and data available, please contact PortConnect at


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