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Get the mark of trust on your products

Sales & Marketing

The FernMark Licence Programme is the Government’s official ‘country of origin’ accreditation programme, helping drive preference for New Zealand products around the globe. 

The Programme gives New Zealand businesses the right to carry the FernMark, a trademark used by government departments across the world. It’s a symbol people recognise that embodies New Zealand qualities of kaitiaki, integrity and ingenuity.  

Providing a competitive advantage
Displaying the Government’s tick of approval gives internationalising businesses an overseas advantage. A product with the FernMark logo tells a story of the people and places that make New Zealand unique. Many of NZ’s top exporters are already on the Programme including EasiYo, Sanford, Xtend-Life, BioHoney and ANZCO Foods. Many lesser-known brands have the same opportunity to also leverage our country’s good reputation.

Promoting trust and authenticity 
In short, it’s about delivering new levels of trust and authenticity. When Licensees use the trademark FernMark together with their unique Licence number on packaging, they gain their consumers’ trust and, at the same time, promote the New Zealand brand. Feedback from current Licensees confirms that trust and authenticity are key customer perceptions that drive the preference for New Zealand products.

“New Zealand is highly rated around the world. It’s beneficial for companies to leverage that good nation brand. The FernMark brings that trust and credibility that consumers are looking for when buying premium products.” - Sarah Morgan, Marketing Manager, New Zealand Story 

Leveraging government links
In addition to the Licensees’ unique licence number, the FernMark Licence logo includes the government URL Twenty million consumers visit every year looking for information on trade, education, immigration and tourism. Leveraging this landing page and the connection to other New Zealand Government departments further enhances recognition and credibility of FernMark licensed products.

Creating advocacy
Each Licensee has their unique webpage that explains what the FernMark represents and allows consumers to verify the authenticity of the licensed product. Here they can also find out more about the Licensee and watch a short video about what makes New Zealand unique. This page can be shared via social channels, including WeChat. 

Verifying your products in key export markets with a QR code
Research shows that there is high uptake and demand for QR code verification in key export markets - South East Asia in particular. Leveraging the Trust Codes platform, Licensees have the option to include a QR code alongside the FernMark, which takes the consumer directly to a Licensee’s dedicated webpage. Via a secure dashboard, Licensees can track the scanning of their products across the world.

It’s all about building consumer confidence
Global monitoring service, Yellow Brand Protection, trawls over 800 online trading sites to check for illegitimate use of the FernMark. This protects the Programme by maintaining its credibility and integrity – and protects consumers by giving them the confidence that when they see the FernMark, it’s an authentic New Zealand product.

"I recently advised a company to choose the FernMark. New Zealand is recognised as a source of quality products in China and Vietnam and the FernMark is becoming a recognised symbol of that provenance and quality. When you spell it out, it’s almost a no brainer.” - Lionel Crawley, Customer Manager, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise 

To become a FernMark Licensee, a business needs to show that they reflect the essence of New Zealand by meeting the FernMark Licence Programme’s eligibility criteria. To pass, a business needs to:
•Be GST registered in New Zealand
•Be compliant with all New Zealand laws and relevant regulations
•Be of good character and repute
•Have a substantial level of New Zealand ownership, governance and full time employees
•Have been exporting for a minimum of 12 months.

In addition, each product to be licensed will be assessed on whether it meets the minimum requirements of being made, grown or designed in New Zealand. 
To submit an application simply fill in the online form.

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