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Go Global gears up with export talent

Sales & Marketing

Exporters have been challenged to consider global trade differently. Big questions still remain about what the ‘new normal’ will look like for exporters. Get the answers at Go Global 2022.

Will shipping and logistics improve, will tariff wars between superpowers escalate or de-escalate, will free trade deals be harder to secure, and will we see an increase in non-tariff barriers, more protectionism and ‘made at home’?

Go Global is an opportunity to hear from industry leaders, receive global market insights and connect with some of the best people in the game.

The focus this year is on new export business models. Should New Zealand focus on collectives, and how new approaches to technology, investment and change help New Zealand exporters grow their business?

Hear from some of New Zealand’s smartest up and coming export talent including International Business Award winners Fuel 50, as well as industry heavyweights Amazon, Air New Zealand, DHL, NZTE, MFAT and more.

Brianne West (pictured), founder and CEO of Ethique will speak on how to turn environmental social governance into an advantage and how to develop values that scale with your business.

Phil Walters, the owner and founder of Metalbird, describes his journey “from art project to extraordinary growth” and what it takes to tackle fast growth without buckling under the pressure.

Charlie Gao, director of North Asia CAPE has the lowdown on how to break into the Asia-Pacific market and enhance your business’s best-practice.

Maggie Christie, NZTE’s Singapore trade commissioner, explains how to talk the right talk with your market and develop a cultural understanding of your key markets.

And NZ Story CEO David Downs will deliver a presentation on what New Zealand’s story looks like now with changes in societal views and expectations post-pandemic.

To register for Go Global 2022 go to: or click here.

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