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Kiwi company helps transform maternity care in China

China market

Solutions Plus is enriched with the spirit of Kiwi innovation which is helping to care for people and save lives throughout Australasia. A Chinese maternity provider that serves a huge population with an unprecedented need has discovered Solutions Plus.

Solutions Plus is one of many businesses within Auckland North that are enriched with the spirit of Kiwi innovation which is saving lives. 
The small business provides specialized healthcare software solutions in the maternity, gynaecology, surgery and anaesthesia sectors. 
Evidence of their visionary innovation can be seen in their achievements, from having their Gynaecology Plus product installed in every hospital in New Zealand to contributing to New Zealand’s fine reputation for maternity care. 
Their well-proven products Gynaecology Plus and Maternity Plus are spearheading their export drive. 
The company has established a large share of the New Zealand market and has recently become a serious competitor across the Tasman. Many Australian hospitals are choosing Solutions Plus to provide their operating software.

Carol and Malcolm Briggs, the directors of Solutions Plus, believe that their ability to be highly responsive to practitioners needs is what sets them apart from competitors. Their philosophy is end-user driven where the software is designed with immense detail in order to be intuitive to use.

This Kiwi innovation has found a huge opportunity in China. With the phasing out of China’s one-child policy in 2015, there is now an urgent need to provide better maternity care for Chinese women and their babies. 
Solutions Plus is currently working with a large Chinese Midwifery Training School who searched the world for a world-leading maternity solution and found what they were looking for within Albany-based Solutions Plus. Now the two organisations are working closely together. 

“Our innovation is a key tool to providing better maternity care within China allowing the mother and baby to be closely monitored and cared for during and after pregnancy”, said CEO Malcolm Briggs. 
This pioneering partnership will be a health first in China and will aid in Solutions Plus’ mission to becoming a world leader in women’s healthcare solutions.

Solutions Plus has seen the benefit of employing a diverse team. It was Solutions Plus’s own Mandarin-speaking Dakuan Cui who realized that the initial enquiry from China was important. 
The Massey graduate then became the NZ/China interface as they pursued this huge opportunity. Solutions Plus have since added other Mandarin-speaking graduates to their team.

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