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Kiwi flight drink company continues expansion

US market
New Zealand based flight drink company 1Above has reported accelerated sales growth in the past six months after launching an effervescent tablet version of the product in April and establishing kiosks in Sydney and Melbourne international airports last month.
The company reported annualized sales of just over $1.6 million based on its monthly run rate with growth of more than 11 percent per month for the last two quarters. 
Founder of 1Above Roger Boyd says the effervescent tablet range has proved to be an enormously successful addition to the company’s portfolio of products and a big factor in the increase of sales overall. 
"While sales across the entire 1Above range have doubled year on year, in the three months since launch, the effervescent tablet range has contributed to more than 40 percent of total sales. We had ambitious plans for the tablet and had projected around 25 percent of total sales, so naturally are thrilled with the results.
“Anecdotally, we know the tablets have been a real hit with pilots and crew.”
1Above successfully launched into the Australian market through the wholesale channel in mid-2012.  With the addition of Sydney and Melbourne international airport kiosks, 1Above now has presence at six Australian and three New Zealand airports. 
Boyd says the new kiosks in Sydney and Melbourne international airports are major milestones in 1Above’s objectives of achieving widespread global roll out for the products. 
“Our goal from day one was to be a global company from New Zealand - basically we have a potential 1.2 billion international passenger base as the audience for our products.
“At the moment, as well as our expanded presence in Australia, we’re in the process of looking at Asia and Dubai.  Next up for us though is our start in the United States – we are in the final throws of inking a deal for a trial with a major retailer in 28 of their stores in five airports across the country.”
Boyd says while 1Above is experiencing a rapid growth phase, the company is taking a considered approach to expansion.  “We're really encouraged by our strong results and accelerated growth, but we know we still have a few hurdles to jump through to realise our global goals. We like to think of those hurdles as great opportunities.”
Boyd says 1Above expects to more than double its sales in the next 6-12 months on the back of the new kiosks and expansion into the United States and other major markets. 
1Above is a nutraceutical drink developed to help people fly well and arrive ready. The company was founded by Roger Boyd after three passports worth of jet lag on the back of rising health concerns. 1Above contains dietary significant levels of six essential electrolytes, 67-133 percent of your daily B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 daily vitamin needs, grape seed extract and Pycnogneol®, an extract from pine bark, that has been shown to reduce the length and severity of jet lag and support the circulation.
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