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Manuka Health pilots electronic traceability labelling into China

China market

Honey producer Manuka Health New Zealand is launching a pilot project to provide Chinese consumers with increased purchase confidence through on-jar traceability.

By January shoppers in China will trial the ability to scan a unique QR code on a jar of Manuka Health’s MGO 30+ 500g Manuka Honey blend and be assured of its authenticity from Manuka Health’s New Zealand operation.

Partnering with China accredited inspection agency, China Certification and Inspection Group (CCIC), this innovation is another step towards Manuka Health’s continued commitment to provide consumers with secure traceability assurance. The unique QR code technology enables consumers to validate the products authenticity in real time, including proof of product compliance and prevention of illegal copying.   
Following the pilot, further Manuka Health NZ products will gradually be traceability labelled, until the entire range into China displays QR code technology. 

Dr Mandy Suddes, Head of R&D at Manuka Health NZ says the project meets the rigorous demands of exporting to discerning Chinese consumers.  
“Chinese consumers demand complete authenticity in their foods, and this technology gives them the assurance the product has genuinely come from the Manuka Health factory. Manuka Health’s quality assurance initiatives are our commitment to demonstrating our products’ traceability from beekeeper to consumer,” says Dr Suddes.

CCIC showcased Manuka Health’s pilot project at the recent 2016 Sino-New Zealand Food Safety Seminar in Wellington.  

This initiative is another step in Manuka Health’s Chinese expansion - with a significant distribution deal signed in August with Beijing-based Chao Pi Commercial & Trading; a partnership with Taiwanese TV star Alyssa Chia who visited Manuka Health’s bee business in October; and now the advancements towards traceability technology with a highly reputable China accredited inspection agency.  

Image: Alyssa Chia at Manuka Health’s Auckland hives. 

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