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Popularity In Electric Vehicles Continues To Surge


Electric vehicle sales continue to deliver impressive figures. The statistics from December 2022 show that almost 70,000 electric cars are currently on the road in New Zealand.

The future looks just as bright, with predictions for more growth and record-breaking numbers. Sales for battery-powered electric cars have increased by a staggering 20% for January 2023, as compared to 4% in the same month last year.

Overall, purchases for vehicles that are either fully electric or hybrid have almost doubled in the last year. When taking into account the tough economic climate and rising interest rates, these massive numbers are even more staggering.

With support from the New Zealand government, the uptake of electric vehicles will only grow. Currently, the country has 114 public EV charging stations, with 18 under construction. For extra incentive, the government is also waiving road user fees (around $NZ600 per year) for electric vehicle owners.

It’s clearly more popular than ever to jump aboard the EV train. One of the brands making big moves in the New Zealand market is GWM Haval. Their sales have surged by 186% year-on-year in the country with no signs of slowing down.

One of the most economical models GWM has so far launched is the Haval H6 Hybrid, that’s full of firepower and efficiency. You’ll only burn through 5.2 litres of petrol for every 100km while producing a measly 133g of CO2.

The Haval H6 Hybrid gives you the flexibility to switch between the petrol engine or electric energy without sacrificing on performance. It’s easy to save on fuel by driving with only electric power through urban areas at 50km/h. Or swap to petrol for off-road adventures. The specially designed 1.5L hybrid transmission engine provides versatility, strength and safety.

Going electric doesn’t mean less muscle. When working at its maximum capacity, the Haval H6 Hybrid engine delivers 179kW of power and goes from 0 to 100km/h in less than 8 seconds. That’s a vehicle that’s gentle on the environment and makes a powerful mark on the road.

Now for the inside, it’s a spacious cabin that will enhance the comfort levels of your driving experience. One of the sleekest, mid-sized SUV’s on the market, the Haval H6 Hybrid features a roomy 600L boot that’s perfect for the whole family and road trips.

There are plenty of storage options too. Modular cupholders, built-in wireless phone chargers and a deep bin under the padded centre armrest leave plenty of space to carry everything you need and much more.

After undergoing rigorous testing by Australia and New Zealand’s independent vehicle safety institution, the Haval H6 Hybrid has been awarded a 5-star ANCAP safety rating. The model scored 90% for adult passenger protection and 81% for safety assist.

Get peace of mind with the numerous safety features that include automatic emergency braking, a 360-degree camera and reversing camera, and a heavy-duty steel exterior.

The Haval H6 Hybrid is jam-packed with luxe interiors. Climate-controlled front seats, a heated steering wheel, a stunning sunroof and LED fog lights deliver a premium driving experience. Plus, you’ll get an easy-to-use 12.3” coloured multimedia touchscreen display that’s the largest of all the models.

With a 5-year transferable warranty, this sleek hybrid SUV is as reliable as it is powerful.


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