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Salcom: a New Zealand wireless solution using the FernMark to share their story

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Salcom, a New Zealand developer of wireless solutions, is committed to keeping their operations local. It is widely known that companies from various international markets design their products on home soil and outsource manufacturing to Asia; but for Salcom, Aotearoa is where the magic happens… and it has been for over forty years.

Salcom designs, manufactures and supplies wireless solutions for use in paging and telemetry applications.  Their products have been used in tsunami warnings, crop spraying, hospital paging, and search and rescue missions. Salcom’s customers include DHBs, St John Ambulance and Fire Services across Australia and Europe.

New Zealand is part of Salcom’s DNA – their commitment to being deeply involved in the manufacturing of their products, keeping all areas of their business where it all started.  And that is why they joined the FernMark Licence Programme.

“Our commitment to New Zealand is something our customers recognise,” says Salcom sales and marketing manager, Peter Cook.

“We don’t do high volume, low cost. This is extremely important for electronics in a market where our products are mission critical and are used in scenarios such as natural disasters and emergency services. The FernMark helps us to say we are from New Zealand and we are proud of that.”

Cook says that the country of origin story is integral to telling a story of innovation, putting them alongside our best tech exports.

“New Zealand technology is widely associated with innovation. People know that Kiwis are behind some incredible innovations and so we use the FernMark so that customers can quickly identify where we come from.

“We saw the FernMark as an opportunity to gain ‘country of origin’ accreditation and to be recognised with fellow cutting-edge companies who fly the FernMark.  The tech businesses on the programme are impressive and we want to be alongside the best.”

Keeping things in New Zealand means that Salcom can tailor bespoke systems for their customers, further helping tell that story of the ‘Kiwi way’.

“In New Zealand we have a ‘no task too big’ approach. Salcom’s products are specialised and we pride ourselves in our ability to tailor and configure systems for our customers, making adaptations to the standard products through technical innovations. We believe we can flex because we have full oversight and control of the manufacturing of our products.”

And finally, Cook says, it’s about trust.

“We see ourselves as representing New Zealand on the world stage and use the FernMark to help promote that New Zealand can produce high quality, reliable tech and manufacturing products. People trust our products are made here in New Zealand. The FernMark is that additional seal of approval.”


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