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HAMILTON-BASED NZ Skin Care Company has developed a uniquely New Zealand range of cosmetics and has an ambitious international marketing strategy – one that includes China; the world’s most dynamic e-commerce marketplace.
The company’s geoskincare range of products delivers a compelling brand story – one that features natural ingredients and resources found throughout the New Zealand landscape.

The philosophy of geoskincare is about enjoying healthy and beautiful skin every day. Creating products made in New Zealand with magic energy, natural minerals, essential oils and pure extracts is the mission geoskincare achieves for their customers.
Geoskincare believe there is no room in the beauty industry for toxic messages as well as toxic ingredients. The renew BB cream is a refreshing product from geoskincare who believe that in refreshing yourself with this product and its natural, pure ingredients, you will to be able to refresh others. It’s a skincare brand that extends further than just the skin.

It’s a story that resonates strongly with Chinese consumers, and NZ Skin Care Company has progressively rolled out a carefully planned strategy to engage with consumers through multiple e-commerce platforms in the China market.
Geoskincare is available through JD, Tmall, Taobao, WeChat, Haituan, Little Red Book, and VIPshop – platforms that represent many millions of shoppers.

With geoskincare’s focus on natural ingredients, such as volcanic mud, Southern Alps edelweiss and an Antarctic species of seaweed, demand is strong.

The star product in the geoskincare range is the Renew Miracle Skin Perfector BB cream, which contains edelweiss flower, macadamia oil, oat seed extract and beech tree bud extract.


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