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Untapping Fiji’s business potential

Sales & Marketing

In a world of economic uncertainty, Fiji stands out as a beacon of certain opportunity for Kiwi businesses and exporters. All is about to be revealed during a unique four-stop trade and investment roadshow, kicking off in New Plymouth on August 26th.

Although 2020 will long be remembered as the year the world was brought to its knees by Covid-19, in Fiji there has been cause for celebration as the Pacific nation, known as the ‘hub of the Pacific’, marks its 50th year of independence and a full decade of consecutive economic growth.

The country has also been aggressive in its response to the recession brought on by the global pandemic. Swift action at the border resulted in early eradication of the virus. The Fijian government has also recently announced a comprehensive FJ$1 billion stimulus package, including additional funding and tax relief directed where it’s needed most – particularly the tourism sector.

Fiji is keen to ramp up the promotion of its trade and investment opportunities for Kiwi businesses, and it is doing this through a series of informative seminars around New Zealand from August 26th to September 3rd, covering New Plymouth, Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.

The Doing Business in Fiji trade and investment roadshow will feature guest speakers from the Fiji Trade Commission to New Zealand, New Zealand Fiji Business Council and Fiji High Commission to New Zealand.

Peter Rudd, manager trade and investment for the Fiji Trade Commission Australia and New Zealand, says the roadshow is a unique opportunity to get face-to-face with New Zealand businesses that are already active in Fiji. “At the seminars they will be sharing their own experiences of doing business in this dynamic economy.”

One of these case studies is Tower Insurance, he says, which operates a large Pacific service centre in Suva. “They’ll be talking about the benefits [of operating in Fiji] and sharing some of their local market insights.”

At the New Plymouth and Wellington seminars, Todd Generation will enlighten attendees on its Sunergise NZ solar technology initiatives in Fiji, and the opportunity around the country’s goal of becoming 100 percent renewable energy driven.

Attendees can also learn about the highly active organic farming sector in Fiji – which is an attractive opportunity for New Zealand retailers – as well as the steadily growing business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. With labour costs significantly below those in New Zealand, the favourable exchange rate against the Kiwi dollar, and many other incentives, an increasing number of companies are looking to outsource contact work to Fijian call centres.

Rudd says the seminars will open peoples’ eyes to Fiji. “Many people don’t understand Fiji. They don’t understand the wide range of industries operating up there – from large manufacturing operations to call centres of up to 1000 seats.”

There are also many opportunities for New Zealanders looking for a safe and secure place to retire to and invest in, he adds. “And the seminars will also serve to inform people of the local support and services provided by our office here in Auckland. We can provide close assistance to businesses who want to navigate the commercial opportunities within Fiji.

“We’re only two and a half years old, and we might be small, but we are very good at opening doors and facilitating communication.”


The Doing Business in Fiji trade and investment roadshow dates are:

New Plymouth: Wednesday 26 August. 3:00pm-6:00pm

Wellington: Monday 31 August. 3:00pm-6:00pm (with the Minister for Trade and Export Growth, David Parker, in attendance)

Christchurch: Tuesday 1 September. 3:00pm-6:00pm 

Auckland: Thursday 3 September. 3:00pm-6:00pm


To register for a seminar go to:


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