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Want to export to another 650 million people?

Supplied Content

In 2022, the Latin America Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPE) is launching a new course for businesses looking to export into Latin America, and applications for spots are now open.

Diversifying into Latin America will deliver a comprehensive set of modules over eight weeks on how to engage successfully with this diverse region. The course leverages off the expertise of the CAPE, academics from the University of Auckland and Massey University, and valuable input from Kiwi businesses with export experience in Latin America.


Export NZ’s Catherine Beard, who sits on the CAPE advisory board says diversifying into Latin America makes sense. “It’s a large market untapped by many Kiwi businesses. This course will give exporters the tools and strategies they need to succeed in this fast-growing market of over 650 million people.”


Applications close on: 13 December 2021. The course runs over 8 weeks with 2 in-person sessions, and 6 online sessions. The cost is $250, includes programme materials, attendance at all sessions, flights, and accommodation for in-person sessions.

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