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Whangarei's Cocavo secures Walmart deal

US market

A small Kiwi company operating out of Whangarei has now added the entire US Walmart chain to its rapidly growing US sales platform.

Cocavo company directors, Chris Nathan & Neville Montefiore (Monte) announced today that Cocavo has secured an agreement with Walmart USA to supply three varieties of their Cocavo Oils into 4,122 Walmart Stores across the USA.

Nathan says “our senior broker in the US has never seen any product rolled out to such a large number of stores in one hit." 

"Securing such a large deal with Walmart has presented the company with a number of challenges which we are currently working through with our Walmart Broker” says Montefiore.

Cocavo has only been in production since November 2016 with the first shipment to the USA arriving in April 2017. In a short space of time, Cocavo very quickly got accepted into 1200 supermarkets and stores in the US. The exciting addition of the Walmart chain to the supplier group in the US brings with it the growing pains that many companies experience with quick growth.

Cocavo is well prepared to step-up to the challenges of exporting. "We have an excellent US team based in Oxnard California to handle the Logistics of distribution to some 40 Distribution Centres across the US.”

Cocavo had the foresight to recognise they had a unique product that bought together two of the culinary world's healthiest cooking oils, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil & Extra Virgin Avocado Oil, to create Cocavo Oil.

"We knew Cocavo would be a winner, so the company geared up in preparation for what was anticipated to be a busy production schedule by purchasing a fully automated processing and packing line,”says Nathan.

Cocavo’s parent company, EVCO International Limited has commenced a project in Fiji where the company is establishing its own Extra Virgin Coconut Oil production factory. Using technology developed by Chris Nathan, its coconut oil production will be a game-changer for the industry in Fiji and its farmers, producing Extra Virgin Coconut Oil at a volume and specification not seen anywhere else in the world.

Cocavo will benefit immensely from this supply given the difficulties of sourcing the volume of quality Extra Virgin Coconut Oil needed to meet consumer demand.

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