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Why New Zealand Food is winning in China

A new report released by Shanghai-based DDMA China Market Research has shed light on how Chinese consumers compare food produce and food brands from New Zealand against other leading food producing countries.The snapshot report was conducted among 1,000 wealthy Chinese families in Shanghai and Beijing. Eighty-five percent of all respondents stated that they were somewhat familiar to very familiar with New Zealand as a food producing country. Out of the 19 countries included in the survey, that’s a number five ranking.

Ninety percent of respondents stated that they would consider of definitely consider buying New Zealand food produce or food brands – that’s the top ranking, followed closely by the US at 89 percent and Australia at 87 percent. New Zealand also ranked highest on having a natural and clean environment – 90 percent of respondents strongly agreed with this statement. And it received top billing on the quality of produce used in food production as well as the enforcement of food safety standards.

The report also revealed that New Zealand food companies were ranked first on placing quality as a priority over profit and first in terms of being trustworthy. (Eighty-five percent of respondents associated this statement with New Zealand food companies, while just eight percent of respondents associate this statement with Chinese food producers.)

The report’s authors say that throughout all of the research DDMA conducts on behalf of food companies and food brands in China, New Zealand is a strong, recurring theme. Over the years New Zealand’s reputation as a leader in food production, food safety standards and perceived high integrity as food producers has grown stronger in the minds of Chinese consumers.

Where New Zealand stands out is the consistency in the image the country communicates. New Zealand’s tourism messaging is almost perfectly in sync with the messaging of their food companies. The image portrayed by one, matches the other. In addition, the country has worked well with their Chinese counterparts at a governmental level. This has provided favourable coverage in official media channels, which has boosted the image of integrity and honesty that is associated with New Zealand food producing companies.

Founded in 2002, DDMA China Market Research is a full service market research company based in Shanghai. 

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