A Trade Centre contact wanting to export water.
This visitor to the Trade contact based here in New Zealand is looking to export bottled water to Bangalore India.
This contact has been in the business of importing and exporting coffee as well as other products for many years and now has a client in Bangalore looking for New Zealand bottled water. The water required must be mineral spring water.
This contact assures me that his distribution network is sound, in fact he used the word guaranteed which is very encouraging for any New Zealand company wanting to explore this opportunity.
Although I haven’t met with this gentleman personally I have spoken with him a couple of times as well as emails. I have found him to be very friendly, astute and very easy to communicate with.
If you happen to be in business producing any of the above types of products and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, laurie@nztc.co.nz or call (09) 366 6879