A Trade Centre visitor looking for various products to export to India.
This visitor is part of an established family business here in Auckland that is involved in the importing of various products into New Zealand. Now to complement these imports from various parts of the world they are looking at export opportunities. This company is well established and has the info structure required to be successful.
This lady, (business woman) is originally from India but now lives here in NZ.
The products of interest to this lady vary greatly but from talking with her I believe that she has done all of the required research that will to be the foundation of her success. These products range from NZ made Chocolate, (in this case she is very interested in Whittakers), NZ cereals and muesli bars as well as flavoured milk and of course NZ honey. Long-life milk products, churned butter and non alcoholic beverages such as Charlies, Phoenix or similar are also high on her shopping list.
I personally met with this lady and found her to be both friendly and professional and believe that she will prove to be an easy partner in business.
If you happen to be in business producing any of the above types of products and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, laurie@nztc.co.nz or call (09) 366 6879