A Trade Centre visitor looking to stock a Shanghai retail store.
This Trade Centre associate from New Zealand has a business contact in Shanghai whom has managed to secure an area of some 640m2 inside the new Walmart store in Shanghai. This space will be for the setting up a retail store. This businessman is known to have a soft-spot for New Zealand (having NZ citizenship) and is looking to stock a wide range of New Zealand products that will appeal to the retail market.
The products of interest are many and varied, such as wine, gourmet foods & pickles, UMF honey, jewellery, knitwear, clothing, cheese, placemats (Jasons etc), almost anything for high value retail. They may even look at some high quality tourist items.
This is a very large organization with suitable financial backing.
Our contact has referred to this opportunity as an invitation on a plate and will be valuable space that NZ Inc needs to grab it with both hands. He has requested product lists and proposals or expressions of interest within two weeks from today.
I met with this contact personally and found him to be very friendly, astute and very easy to communicate with.
If you happen to be in business producing any of the above types of products and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, laurie@nztc.co.nz or call (09) 366 6879