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Free image resource for exporters

Kiwi exporters can now download free images and video footage to help show global markets the unique value of New Zealand, our people, culture and character.
NZ Story [] is the brainchild of Tourism New Zealand, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, and Education New Zealand who saw the need for a compelling yet simple way for Kiwi exporters to showcase where they are from.
Exporters can use the material on the permission-based online library for anything from brochures and posters to PowerPoint presentations and exhibition stands.
The only restriction is for use in paid advertising space.
The three lead organisations have been developing the NZ Story brand for the past 18 months. They have worked closely with a large group of business leaders and public sector organisations.
Tourism NZ chief executive Kevin Bowler says the NZ Story should help reposition the 100% Pure New Zealand brand back to its original purpose as a brand for tourism only. 
There has been much comment for many years that the 100% Pure New Zealand brand has been taken to represent the country as a whole. The issue came to a head once again earlier this year when false alarms concerning Fonterra’s dairy products caused international criticism of New Zealand’s supposed claims to 100% purity.
The NZ Story positions our country as a place of open land, hearts and minds. It builds an image of a country whose business people are both genuine and innovative.
Bowler describes it as a ‘foundation story” on top of which individual companies can place their own brand and identity.
There was some adverse comment when the initial conceptual work was awarded to an Australian branding agency, Principals. The New Zealand arm of international brand and design firm, DesignWorks, and Kiwi advertising consultancy The Assignment Group worked on the later stages of the brand design and launch.
The project has cost some $3 million to date. It has an indicative annual budget for the next financial year of $2.3 million.
By Ruth Le Pla.
Photo by Blaine Harrington, from the NZ Story collection.