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World first for New Zealand


New Zealand has scored a major victory at the 38th IATTO Global Forum held this year in Tallinn, Estonia, where it was announced that it will be the first country in the world to roll out the new Global Trade Professional designation.  The rest of the world will follow on 1st January 2013.
“This is an indication of the value other countries place on the innovation taking place at the New Zealand School of Export,” said Rom Rudzki, the School’s founder, who added “My hope is that the School, which is a Charitable Trust, will now be attractive for a major business patron to come forward, someone who wishes to give something back to ensuring the success of this country’s exporters.”
“The last five years have been a very hard road with staff taking pay-cuts and even working for no pay at all in order to the realise the dream of a world-beating programme.  This success is due to their commitment and belief in creating a path for our exporters to achieve global success.”
The School was founded in 2007 and since that time has delivered the Diploma of International Trade as the approved route to achieving professional status.  The status also requires a minimum of two years full-time work in export, as well as agreement to abide by the Code of Conduct and a commitment to a personal programme of ongoing professional development through attending events, seminars, trade shows or other events as appropriate to the exporter’s industry.
Exporter’s wishing to take the Diploma and the GTP - both of which are only delivered through distance education - can receive 50% of their fees through the NZTE Management Capability Development Voucher Scheme depending on their eligibility.
Rom concluded “There has never been a better time for companies to raise their game.  We have shown as a School that we started from nothing, to a track record of success with our graduates from the biggest exporters such as Fonterra, through award-winning companies such as Triodent and Forrest Wines, to small family companies such as TrenchIt.  The NZTE matched funding makes this the perfect time for exporters to raise their game to world-class standard.”
For further details call Rom on 06 356 56 56, e-mail on or check out the website at