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Orion Health named Supreme Winner

US market
New Zealand-headquartered global health software company, Orion Health, last night celebrated their second crowning as Supreme Winner of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) Success and Innovation Awards. The award recognizes Orion Health’s continued success in exports to the United States over the past 10 years and rewards their significant growth of more than 60 percent in the previous financial year.
At a black tie event held at the Pullman hotel in Auckland, over 600 invitees converged to celebrate the ongoing export success and highlight innovation in the highly competitive US market. The spread of finalists represented a huge number of different industries and covered a diverse range of products and services from within each. 
Orion Health scooped the big export award on the night, being named Exporter of the Year over $5M in a very tough category that included Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, Compac Sorting Equipment, Scott Technology and Douglas Pharmaceuticals. 
Accepting the award on behalf of Orion Health, Executive Vice President Wayne Oxenham, praised all the hard work that staff had poured into the company over the last 12 months, to help drive the significant growth that Orion Health is experiencing.
“This has been a fantastic year of growth that has stretched all parts of our company, and it has been great to see how many people have gone the extra mile and demonstrated their unwavering commitment to our company objectives,” says Wayne Oxenham, EVP.
This marks the second occasion that Orion Health has been chosen as the Supreme Winner at the AMCHAM Awards, having won the same award in 2005. Remarkably, the company has grown its revenues resulting from the US export market to $88 million, 16 times what it experienced back then.
“Orion Health has always considered itself a global company and valued successful exports highly. It is for this reason that we have entered many global markets earlier than expected, or possibly recommended. However, our strategy is now starting to pay off and we are realizing the significant benefits of having built solid relationships within the USA over the last 15 years,” sdays Orion Health CEO, Ian McCrae.
Photo: Orion Health CEO Ian McCrae.
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