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Celebrating Kiwi businesses succeeding in China

Asian market
Business success with China will be celebrated at the New Zealand China Trade Association’s HSBC China Business Awards 2015 on 7 May.
Entries are now invited from individuals and businesses that export to China, import from China, or have manufacturing or services involved with China. Entries close 20 March 2015.
“With China our largest trading partner and largest source of imports, the Awards offer a great occasion to honour our Chinese and Hong Kong business champions,” says NZCTA executive director David Wishart.
“The awards were established over ten years ago by the NZCTA, four years before New Zealand and China signed a Free Trade Agreement, China’s first comprehensive FTA.
“The awards will especially celebrate those of our enterprises that have taken the plunge and developed successful international trade and investment in what is a constantly dynamic and challenging environment," Wishart says. “We want other NZ companies to know you can be successful in China and so be inspired to give it a go”.
The six award categories are:
Leveraging Success in China for the benefit of others.
Excellence in Export or Import.
Outstanding Contribution by an individual to the New Zealand - China Business relationship.
The DLA Phillips Fox Award for Successful Investment with China - Inward or Outward.
The Cathay Pacific Airways Award for Innovation within the Supply Chain.
The Hong Kong New Zealand Business Association Award for the Best use of Hong Kong by a New Zealand company for its business.
The HSBC NZCTA Supreme China Business Award: Chosen from all categories above. 
The judging panel of ten includes prominent business people who have extensive experience in doing business with China and representatives from the category sponsors.
To request an application form and/or book your place at the gala awards evening being held in Auckland on 7 May 2015, visit
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