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Get on the fast track with Export Excelerator

Exporting is not plain sailing. Making mistakes on the international stage can be costly and crippling for your business. However, there is an extensive business support eco-system - a labyrinth of government agencies, local economic development agencies, business associations, business councils, and service providers with the knowledge and networks to support your export drive. 
Pitfalls and risks can be mitigated by accessing this network.
ExportNZ collaborated with ten of New Zealand’s top exporters and key people from the business support eco-system in developing the Export Excelerator Program with a view to getting New Zealand’s early stage exporters on the fast track to export success.   
What is Export Excelerator?
The goal of the two-step program is simple:  
1. Completing the on-line survey helps identify gaps in your export capability
2. The survey results will: 
a. allow ExportNZ to guide exporters to educational programs, organisations, qualified advisors or providers with expertise in the area where you may require assistance
b. assist ExportNZ identify exporters with strong export capability who will be invited to engage in the ExportNZ focused mentoring program
c. benchmark your business against ten of New Zealand’s top exporters  
What is the value to my business? 
This program will ensure you embark on your export drive with your eyes wide open and avoid making costly mistakes many exporters before you have already made.  
The overriding aim of the mentor phase of the program is to encourage and support your business in achieving your designated goals, as well as providing a distinct pathway to a successful and sustainable export outcome for your business.
The mentors will identify and challenge your thinking on: 
1. Where your business is at
2. Where the export opportunities are
3. How you bring your export vision to a reality
4. Logical steps for export success and how to avoid the pitfalls and traps (and there are plenty of those…)
5. How you fund, cope and plan financially to fund export growth.
Helen Thompson-Carter, formerly General Manager, Kagi Ltd engaged in the program and had this to say:
"It is all about the ‘value add’ … Export Excelerator is outstanding!  It is about the opportunity to spend time in a ‘think tank’ with some of the most highly regarded executives in their field who are experienced in export and willingly invest time and energy into your business. The program facilitates discussions, asks the hard questions and sets you on a path bound for success. The advice and direction you get from the Export Excelerator program will be the most valuable you will ever get.  
If you are serious about export and are given the opportunity to be part of the program – take it! It will be the best ‘export’ decision you ever make.”
Committed to export success?   then go to  and take the all important first step!
ExportNZ thank Air New Zealand Cargo for joining us as a strategic partner in helping drive accelerated and sustainable export growth for your business and New Zealand.
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