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Market Update Singapore: opening the door to new opportunities

Asian market

Incite, ExporterToday and NZBusiness present the first in a series of informative and insightful reports on the ASEAN market opportunity for New Zealand F&B exporters – with Incite’s head of client growth Cameron Gordon.

What is the true picture of the Singapore market after 12 months of global fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic? What are the unique, key characteristics and requirements of Singapore as an export destination? And how will the CPTPP trade agreement change the landscape for Kiwi food and beverage exporters wanting to tap into the Singapore opportunity?

Get all the answers in the first of a series of videos that cover the opportunities that lie across the dynamic Southeast Asian markets – focusing on food and beverage. Market Update Singapore introduces you to the biggest food and beverage opportunities within Singapore – a mega-market that is steadily recovering from the pandemic. Learn about the emerging trends, and catch some useful tips on how to quickly gain traction in this exciting marketplace.

Incite’s Cameron Gordon shares his knowledge and experience accumulated from more than a decade of successful F&B product launches and partnerships throughout Asia.

His company is a specialist F&B export development agency with ‘boots on the ground’ in all the high-growth ASEAN markets. “Our knowledge and connections will fast-track your export sales to get your brand on the shelf in the right stores, at the right price, with the right distribution partners.”

To view Market Update Singapore click here.

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