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Marketing solution enables wineries to sell internationally

Sales & Marketing

From September, Wine Collective Direct, a global marketplace where New Zealand wine producers have their own e-cellar door, is adding a Digital Success Programme to its offering.

The Wine Collective Direct (WCD) team know that international digital wine marketing can be daunting and so has created a collaborative digital marketing solution to help local winegrowers better market their craft wine to the world.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to see producers experiencing high-value direct sales on the platform since launching in May this year. It’s evident that the producers who are making early sales (averaging $606.59 NZD per case and $52.57 per bottle) are proactively promoting their international e-cellar doors across their own digital channels,” says Ryann Calder, Manager of Producer Growth at Wine Collective Direct.

“However, it’s highlighted to us that a large majority of wineries find driving international sales and promotions online a challenge.”

The Digital Success Programme (DSP) solves the problem of many local wine producers not having the tools, time, or financial resources to reach international consumers via effective digital marketing methods.

In 2019, NZ Winegrowers reported that 776, 599 international wine tourists visited New Zealand and spent $3.26 billion. It’s no secret that wine tourism is the lifeblood of many local vineyards, but with borders closed there are no international visitors at the cellar door.

Wine Collective Direct recognises that digital promotion online is the most effective means of connecting with international customers in this current climate.

“Different to the fast-moving commodity wine category, the craft wine category is characterised by consumers actively looking to connect at a personal level with the actual producer. Despite the decline in international tourists, overseas consumers haven’t lost their passion to discover the premium wines of Aotearoa,” says Calder.

The Digital Success Programme harnesses the aggregate power of 100,000+ detailed data points accumulated by sister company Combined with Google & Facebook sales analytics such as attribution, transactional conversion, and behavioural trends, WCD is able to make data-driven decisions for its DSP campaigns.

Utilising proprietary real-time information, mixed with digital channels data provides a powerful blend to develop detailed buyer personas that can be scaled in size for campaign targeting.

Internationally, wine e-commerce is a highly competitive and noisy environment. Punching through at a global level requires clarity of direction and compelling content. Creative themes such as the upcoming 2021 Collective Christmas Catalogue are designed to captivate consumer audiences – resulting in high value sale conversions and happy customers.

Wine Collective Direct first launched to consumers in Australia and Hong Kong this year, and from September, it will be available to customers in Singapore and Japan. 

The Digital Success Programme will enable wine producers to access an affordable and collaborative digital marketing solution focused on driving direct sales via their own e-cellar door which is housed on the Wine Collective Direct website. They will be able to market to consumers and convert sales beyond New Zealand’s borders.

Collaborative marketing was always at the heart of the wine industry’s early foray on the international stage and this approach focuses on what is proven to work, just with a new digital lens.

“Historically New Zealand winemakers successfully forged their reputation internationally by representing themselves, together, as a group under the ‘Brand NZ’ marquee at key trade and consumer shows around the globe,” says Wine Collective Direct Founder Grant Rimmer.

“Wine Collective Direct provides a perfect platform for producers from around our country to keep alive that shared spirit of togetherness. Acting collectively, we are stronger, and will go further globally together.”

For more information visit

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