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Not all export opportunities are created equal

Sales & Marketing

Are you a New Zealand export company looking for a stand-out premium dairy product to satisfy the world’s most discerning consumers?

You’ll find it in NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Milk Powder – an absolute game-changer in the world’s highly competitive milk formula market.

You may be surprised to learn that the average consumer will drink more than 6000 litres of milk in their lifetime. However, what is also surprising is the fact that the human body can only absorb a small amount of natural nutrients from mainstream milk and often the side effects can outweigh the benefits due to various gastrointestinal issues.

In recent years, NATUREDAY’s scientists have worked hard to discover a solution to this problem by producing their own unique milk formula. The result is a product that will not only find favour with nutrition decision-makers around the world, but is also attracting the attention of savvy export companies looking for a stand-out product to introduce to new markets.

NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Milk Powder is an export opportunity that ticks all the boxes for exporters, in-market distributors and retailers: unique product, compelling story, and excellent sales returns.

NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Milk Powder is a pure, premium dairy product sourced from natural farms in the heartland of New Zealand.

“Combining the natural dairy nutrition and world-leading scientific research”, the product represents the ultimate solution for nutrient absorption.

The secret lies in the product’s enhanced A2 nutrition, which is A2 beta casein – higher in calcium and multi-vitamins. Combined with patented DuPont dual probiotics (NCFM and HN019), which optimises gut health, it represents an exciting new solution for people who love milk, but are concerned about those side effects of mainstream milk.

NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Milk Powder is such a pure, premium and pioneering approach to dairy, that its creators are labelling it ‘Dairy Plus’.

To learn more about the product and its exciting export opportunities, go to

Dr Vijaya Rajendram and team

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