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New F&B Export Guide to Singapore

Asian market

A new guide from INCITE designed for food and drink exporters considering launching or growing export sales to the Singapore grocery market has just been released.

The guide is a reminder of how buyers from other high growth Southeast Asian markets often view Singapore as the benchmark for imported food brands and how performing well in Singapore can create downstream export opportunities in the region. It also reveals how Singapore's logistics are efficient and the cool chain is expertly managed - a crucial factor for anyone in the chilled or frozen category.

Like most international markets today, Singapore is experiencing some disruptions with shipping and freight. However, unlike some other Asian markets, regulations in Singapore are clear and easy to comply with. It's hard to overstate how important this is. In some Southeast Asian markets it can take many months to get your products approved for sale by Government Food and Drug Administrations (FDAs).

INCITE's new Export Guide to Singapore also covers challenges for export managers; reveals why getting your market entry model and price positioning right is crucial; explains the product trends; and how to stand out from the crowd in what is a very crowded market.

To access the new INCITE F&B Export Guide to Singapore, CLICK HERE 

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