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Fiji brands make presence felt

Sales & Marketing

The Fiji Consulate General & Trade Commission to ANZ has strengthened business relations between Fiji and New Zealand further by showcasing Fiji’s finest skincare brands at a leading Expo.

As part of their efforts to promote trade and exports, the New Zealand Office recently participated in the NZ Hair and Beauty Trade Expo, bringing three premium Fijian brands, Loaloa Naturals, Loloma and Nama Spa, to the Auckland event.

After two years of disruption, the Expo was held at the Auckland Showgrounds. The Fiji Trade Commission to New Zealand (FTCNZ) took the opportunity to bring Fiji’s finest skincare brands to the show.

Camila Eiras, Business Advisor at FTCNZ, said “Fijian beauty and skincare businesses are playing a key role in Fiji’s trade recovery; brands like Nama and Loloma are increasingly being recognised in international markets, including US and Japan.

“The FTCNZ is committed to promoting the sector and creating opportunities so these and other Fijian brands can succeed in the New Zealand market as well.”

“The NZ Hair & Beauty Expo achieved a great deal of brand awareness for us,” says Sarah Pivac, Sales Director at Nama Spa. “As skincare is a flooded market, we had the opportunity to explain face to face what our point of difference is. The hair and beauty industry offers a great range of products and each brand has its own unique story. To be able to tell our story was the highlight of our weekend.”

Among the thousands of attendees, there were a number of key wholesale and retail representatives who visited the FTCNZ stand. Overall, both buyers and consumers showed great interest in the Fijian products.

“We have found the NZ Beauty & Hair Expo to be highly beneficial as it has enabled us to obtain feedback about the potential of Loloma in the current New Zealand market,” says Purnima Singh, co-founder of Loloma Fiji. “It has also given us the platform to explore suitable sales and distribution channels.”


Fiji’s finest

Loaloa Naturals is a 100 percent locally owned Fijian company. Loaloa’s founder Vian is on a mission to create natural, vegan, fragrance and cruelty free, skin and hair care products – all the while improving the livelihood of the local Fijian communities. Loaloa’s products are handcrafted and made from local (native) fruits; its uniqueness lies in its key benefits and medicinal properties.

Loloma Skincare was created by a Fijian mother's plight to soothe her children of uncomfortable eczema. Daunted by the amount of chemicals in different pharmaceutical creams, she looked towards nature for answers. The result was a 100 percent pure ultra-light virgin coconut oil moisturiser with reduced smell and texture altered to be highly absorbent and velvety smooth. Their process is 100 percent chemical free, achieved through pioneering technology.

Nama Spa is a premium Fijian skincare brand. Its products' high concentration of sea minerals and vitamins provides a powerful solution that hydrates and firms the skin, combats dullness and aging, diffuses redness and soothes the skin. Nama Spa built the world's first sustainable harvesting program designed to create opportunities for the women of the Yasawa Islands.

Through Nama Spa, Nama Fiji and VS For Men it generates a new income source to complement that of the traditional village system and safeguard an important natural resource in a pristine environment. Nama Spa’s environmental and social responsibility isn’t just a mission, it permeates every facet of what they do.


For more information on Fiji’s skincare brands contact

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