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Keep the Handbook handy!


Looking to achieve major export goals in 2023?

The 2023 New Zealand Export & Trade Handbook is just the helping hand you need – an excellent educational and reference guide covering the key aspects of trading goods or services internationally.

With this year marking 40 years of the Closer Economic Relationship between New Zealand and Australia, it’s only fitting that the Handbook takes a special look at trading ‘across the ditch’. Prepared with valuable assistance from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, this must-read chapter provides a broad-brush guide to understanding, and succeeding in the Australian market – typically the first stepping stone for fledgling Kiwi export firms.

Once again, for 2023 we’ve reviewed and/or updated every chapter in the Handbook – from Freight and Logistics to Customs, Sales and Marketing to Packaging and Labelling, and everything in-between.

Order your copy now

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