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Woollen foot-wear and clothing for Japan

A Trade Centre visitor from Japan looking for woollen clothing and foot-wear.

This visitor to the Trade Centre from Japan was acting on behalf of her company looking for New Zealand clothing to sell in their retail shop in Japan. The well established company this young lady represents has interests in both importing and distribution as well their own retail presence.

The retail of division of this company is particularly interested is woollen products, predominantly woolen foot-wear and skins as well as some woollen clothing.

I met with this lady representative personally and found her to be very friendly, astute and very easy to communicate with. I have since emailed the company she represents in Japan and have received positive responses.

If you happen to be in business producing any of the above types of products and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, or call (09) 366 6879