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Thai Airways carbon footprints inflight meals

Thai Airways International (THAI) claims it is the first airline in the world to provide carbon footprint information on Thai signature dishes served on board, according to The Nation.

Carbon footprint information allows passengers to become more environmentally conscious of the amount of greenhouse gases produced in the choice of meals offered in the menu.

From the beginning of this year, the inflight menu features carbon footprint information of Chicken Mussaman Curry with steamed Thai Hom Mali Rice (13.6 kg CO2 per 250g serving), and Green Curry "Kiew-Wan" with steamed Thai Hom Mali Rice (13.9 kg CO2 per 250g serving).

Carbon Footprint labeling is the result of THAI's participation in the "Carbon Footprint Technical Cooperation Project for Thai Products," in cooperation with the Thai Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) and the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC).

THAI President Piyasvasti Amranand was quoted saying that This project utilises the Thai National NCI Database and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to increase production capabilities and boost competitiveness amongst Thai industries through assessment of greenhouse gases (carbon footprint) emitted from these pilot products.

-- Source: The Nation