A Trade Centre visitor looking at milk powder products to export.
Every day in the Trade Centre we have some type of enquiry around milk powder products for export to China most of which are generally talking about rather small volumes. This visitor however appears to be very serious about her itentions to export very large volumes and is keen to talk with any companies that are in a position to assist her.
This young business woman is of Chinese origin now married to a kiwi and living in New Zealand, she has run successful businesses in the past but and is now looking at export / imports for her next opportunity.
I met with this lady and her husband personally and found them both to be very friendly and professional and the parties that I have already spoken with about her have given me very positive responses.
If you happen to be in business producing any of the above types of products and would like to learn more about this company or for a personal introduction, please email me, laurie@nztc.co.nz or call (09) 366 6879