ExportNZ’s 2023 Pre-Election Report sets out the state of play for the sector and invites the next government to collaborate further on the challenges facing businesses.
The 2023 ExportNZ DHL Export Barometer provides a snapshot of the operating environment for exporting businesses and highlights some of the persisting barriers impacting their productivity
Cookie Time Cookie Sandwiches have taken out gold and silver medals in the New Zealand Ice Cream Association Awards, further boosting the product’s export appeal.
Pultron Composites has been named ExportNZ Hawke’s Bay ASB Exporter of the Year. In addition, the Gisborne company also won the T&G Global Best Established Business Award.
Celebrating women in leadership and 40 years of Australia-NZ Closer Economic Relations, the first ever all-female/all-wāhine trade mission is visiting Australia this week.
Eiderdown’s commitment to manufacturing and selling high-quality New Zealand-made duvets is being rewarded with sales growing by 40 percent over the past year.
A recent collaboration between Fabrum and global manufacturer Chart Industries targets the significant worldwide demand for small-scale liquid hydrogen for industry decarbonisation.