New Zealand Trade and Enterprise has launched a suite of digital products that are the export and investment communities’ place to discover, learn, connect and maximise business potential.
NZTE’s new digital world has a wealth of information, insights and tools that will support all of New Zealand’s 12,000 export businesses. Included in the comprehensive digital environment are:
- Clear information for early stage exporters; including how to get started with NZTE;
- An investment hub – both for export companies seeking to raise capital and for investors looking for New Zealand opportunities;
- A COVID-19 section – packed with tools, up-to-date information about what’s really happening in-market, and signposts to what government services are available to support exporters;
- myNZTE – a free online portal offering curated, in-depth information and guidance to help exporters navigate their export and capital raising journeys.
A key feature of NZTE’s digital suite is a range of export stories from New Zealand businesses, explaining the challenges they have faced and how they overcame them.
myNZTE will also provide access to expert interviews, market guides and insights that exporters need to succeed.
“This is an important and historic milestone for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise - Te Taurapa Tūhono – as we become a digitally-enabled organisation," says the chief executive of NZTE, Peter Chrisp (pictured). “myNZTE, our customer portal, is a fully interactive platform integrated into our new NZTE website. In a fundamental way, this means we can deliver our knowledge and services to any New Zealand exporter in a way that’s open and transparent.
“A key aspect of NZTE is that we have around half of our 700 people based overseas in 40 locations and they are supported by a further 200 private-sector advisers. In our new, COVID-19 world, those boots on the ground have never been more important, to ensure that New Zealand’s export community understands what is really happening around the world, what the opportunities are, and how to make the most of them with our support.
“And the reality is that we will have to do this in a ‘virtual’ way for some time, where our ability to gain knowledge and act upon it will need to be via digital pathways. To me, the pandemic has accelerated trends that already existed, so a key feature of our work, for example, is enabling exporters to embrace e-commerce.”
Chrisp said a key feature of NZTE’s digital suite was its accessibility for all exporters.
“Anyone can now learn the basics, or really upskill themselves and their business through features like InvestEd (an online learning programme to prepare for and attract capital investment), at a time and place that suits them.
“These new digital channels also fully complement our existing core strength - building people-to-people connections and real-life relationships. Over time, as we gather data and insights from our new platform, we’ll be able to be even more targeted and effective in doing this.”
Signing up to myNZTE allows you to access:
- Comprehensive market guide.s
- Content on topical issues, such as COVID-19 recovery.
- Learning modules to deepen your export and capital-raising skillsets.
- Export stories from New Zealand businesses.
- Research on emerging global trends.
- Information on regulations, shipping, logistics and international compliance.